Ombrelli Fornara contacts - Ombrellificio Fornara Angela snc Borgomanero

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Corporate data

VIA  NOCE, 17  --  28021  BORGOMANERO   (NO)    --  TEL.  FAX.  0322 834129
VAT   01126080032    
C.C.I.A.A. NOVARA REA  150477



This information is given to individuals who access and consult the site of Ombrellificio Fornara Angela snc of Fornara Angela E C., pursuant to art. 13 d. lgs. June 30, 2003 No. 196 - "Code regarding the protection of personal data" and art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - "European regulation on the protection of personal data".

Identity of the Owner
This website is managed by Zanetta Valter, owner of the treatment of Ombrellificio Fornara Angela snc of Fornara Angela E C. based in Via Noce 17, 28021 - Borgomanero (No). The Data Controller guarantees the security, confidentiality and protection of personal data in their possession, at any stage of the processing of the same. The personal data collected are used in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and GDPR 679/16.

The DPO has not been designated.

This information is given to the individuals who fill out the form (form) "Contacts" proposed by the site of Ombrellificio Fornara Angela snc of Fornara Angela E C. based in Via Noce 17 - 28021 - Borgomanero (No).
Data source
The data are spontaneously given by the interested party through the form (form) proposed by the website

Purpose of the treatment
The personal data of the individuals who fill out the form "Contacts" are processed to process their requests.

Legal basis of the processing
The personal data of the individuals who fill out the form "Contacts" are lawfully processed for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the same (the request forwarded);

Recipients of the data
The personal data processed by the Data Controller will not be disclosed, or will not be disclosed to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of their availability or simple consultation. They may also be communicated to the collaborators of Ombrellificio Fornara Angela snc of Fornara Angela E C. and, to the extent strictly necessary, to persons who for the purpose of processing your request must provide goods and / or perform services or services on our behalf. Finally, it may be communicated to the persons entitled to access it under the provisions of the law, regulations, and community regulations.

Data transfer
The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries or to international organizations.
However, it reserves the right to use cloud services; in which case, the service providers will be selected among those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR 679/16.

Data retention
The Data Controller retains and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes indicated.

Rights of the interested party
With reference to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 15 - right of access, 16 - right of rectification, 17 - right to cancellation, 18 - right to limitation of treatment, 20 - right to portability, 21 - right of opposition, 22 right to oppose the automated decision-making process of GDPR 679 / 16, the interested party exercises his rights by writing to the Data Controller at the address above, or by email, specifying the subject of his request, the right that he intends to exercise and attaching a photocopy of an identity document attesting the legitimacy of the request.

Withdrawal of consent
With reference to art. 23 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and art. 6 of the GDPR 679/16, the interested party can withdraw the consent at any time.
Complaint proposal
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the state of residence.
Refusal to provide data
The interested party can refuse to give the owner his personal data as the conferment is optional.
However, filling in the fields indicated is essential to be able to process requests received.

Automated decision-making processes
The Data Controller does not process treatments consisting of automated decision-making processes.

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